How to Redirect Users Based on httpOnly Cookie in Next.js

12 January 2022 / 2 min read

The best practice is to store token or session identifier in a httpOnly cookie. However, the cookie itself becomes available only for server side. Since we cannot get a cookie using JavaScript there is a problem handling authentication cases on client side be such as:

  • Redirecting a user from anonymous pages if they have a session or token. For example, sign in or sign up pages.
  • Redirecting a user from authenticated pages if they don’t have a session or token. For example, dashboard page.

If you have private static generated pages (using getStaticProps) there will be even more problems with a flash of prerendered static HTML or unexpected behavior after a page becomes interactive. To resolve the issue you can render the page on server side using getServerSideProps but why would you compromise a performance of static page?

New middleware helps to resolve complicated cases. It runs directly on Edge without a cold start what makes this story really fast. Using middleware you could write code over configuration. In other words, modify a request before reaching the Next.js server. Common cases are rewrites, redirects, handling cookies and headers, and etc. Since it runs on server you have full access to httpOnly cookies as well.

The first case is redirecting users from anonymous pages if they have a session. Let’s create a new global middleware in pages/_middleware.ts:

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';

export function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
  if (req.nextUrl.pathname.match(/\/(signin|signup).*/) && req.cookies.sessionid) {
    return NextResponse.redirect('/', 307);

If a request tries to open /signin or /signup page and there is a session cookie, it will redirect to the main page (in my case it is / route). I use the 307 status code because browser should not cache a result of request so the temporary redirect is what we need.

The second case is redirecting users from private pages:

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';

export function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
  if (req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/admin') && !req.cookies.sessionid) {
    return NextResponse.redirect('/signin', 307);

Request will be redirected to /signin page, if a requested url starts with /admin and there is not the sessionid cookie.

Middleware is powerful feature of Next.js. Check out official examples in the documentation. One of my favorites is the simple implementation of Wordle game.