Get Current Path of a Page in Astro

7 April / 1 min read

If you have a background in Next.js, you will probably want an alternative API to router.asPath. However, Astro doesn’t really have a router, but it provides a similar API. To get a current page’s pathname use the Astro’s built-in global module Astro.url:

const asPath = Astro.url.pathname;

Bonus: building a canonical URL of a page in Astro

In your astro.config.mjs set a base URL of your website, which will be set as an environment variable in import.meta.env.SITE:

export default defineConfig({
  site: '',

Then you can use Astro.url.pathname in combination with import.meta.env.SITE:

const canonicalUrl = new URL(Astro.url.pathname, import.meta.env.SITE).href;

For this page the code above evaluates to: